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Our mission is to expand access to quality, affordable fertility care to everyone who has been left behind by the traditional fertility industry. We have designed our care options, including INVOcell to be simplified and more transparent in order to make your care easier to understand and fit your budget.

What is INVOcell?

INVOcell is innovative technology that is used as an IVF alternative for fertility treatment. Many of the stages of the INVOcell treatment are the exact same as In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). The only difference is where fertilization and embryo development takes place.

Is INVOcell Right for You?

Couples who would benefit from INVOcell include:

• People with low to moderate infertility.

• People looking for a more affordable and less invasive option than IVF.

• People with religious or cultural objections to traditional IVF methods.

• Female same-sex couples looking to start a family.

Pozitivf's INVOcell Treatment Includes:


Mindstrong Fertility Session.

Preparation and Monitoring of Treatment Calendar.

Venipuncture (if aplicable)

Blood Monitoring (if aplicable)

INVOcell device Medications for Ovarian Stimulation

Egg Retrieval
Oral and local sedation

Egg (oocyte) Identification

Sperm wash/Sperm Preparation

Insemination of Eggs/Intra-cytoplasmic

Sperm Injection (ICSI)

Embryo Blastocyst Culture

Embryo Cryopreservation (if applicable)

Includes 1 year of Complimentary Storage


Preparation of Embryo Transfer
Embryo Transfer


First and Second Pregnancy Tests

First Pregnancy Ultrasound

"If my wife and I could give more than 5 stars,

we would. Since our first appointment with

Pozitivf, it felt like home... So if you’re looking

to grow your family, look no more because

Pozitivf is the way to go. Best fertility

team in the world!!!"

Analisa Keller.

No-surprise INVOcell Pricing.

INVOcell With Anesthesia

National Average Price: $8,500

More on INVOcell.

The INVOcell procedure starts by stimulating the ovaries with hormonal medications to produce multiple eggs. The eggs are then retrieved using a minimally invasive procedure under ultrasound guidance. The eggs are fertilized with sperm and placed in a small, disposable capsule placed inside the woman’s vagina, where it remains for several days.

During this time, the eggs are incubated and fertilized inside the device in the woman’s body. This contains a culture medium that provides the necessary nutrients and support for the eggs and sperm. The culture medium also helps to maintain the optimal pH and temperature conditions for fertilization to occur. After a few days, the INVOcell device is removed, and the fertilized eggs (embryos) are evaluated to determine which ones are suitable for transfer back into the woman’s uterus. The embryos are then transferred using a minimally invasive procedure that involves passing a catheter through the cervix and into the uterus.

Start Your Journey to Parenthood with Pozitivf.

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